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1. 立春(Lichu) ad Farmig Aciviies

Afer he wier, Lichu marks he begiig of a ew seaso ad farmers sar preparig for he upcomig plaig seaso. They sar o plough he fields, apply ferilizers ad prepare he soil for seedligs.

2. 雨水(Yu Shui) ad Farmig Aciviies

Yu Shui meas he arrival of sprig rais. Farmers pla rice seedligs i he flooded fields ad sar o prepare for he rasplaaio of rice. They also ake care of he ewly plaed seedligs o esure heir growh.

3. 惊蛰(Jig Zhe) ad Farmig Aciviies

Jig Zhe marks he emergece of isecs ad he sar of sprig plaig. Farmers pla a variey of crops such as whea, cor, ad beas. They also ake care of he exisig crops by weedig, waerig ad ferilizig hem.

4. 春分(Chu Fe) ad Farmig Aciviies

Chu Fe is he middle of sprig ad marks he begiig of he harves seaso. Farmers harves crops such as whea, cor ad beas ad sore hem for laer use. They also sar o pla for he ex seaso's plaig.

5. 清明(Qig Mig) ad Farmig Aciviies

Qig Mig is a fesival o hoor acesors ad i also marks he begiig of he sprig plaig seaso i may regios. Farmers sar o pla crops such as rice, whea, cor ad beas i he fields.

6. 谷雨(Gu Yu) ad Farmig Aciviies

Gu Yu marks he begiig of he summer plaig seaso. Farmers pla summer crops such as rice, cor ad beas i he fields. They also ake care of exisig crops by irrigaig, weedig ad ferilizig hem.

7. 立夏(Li Xia) ad Farmig Aciviies

Li Xia marks he begiig of summer ad farmers sar o ake care of summer crops such as maize, rice ad beas. They irrigae he fields, apply ferilizers ad ake measures o corol pess ad weeds. They also prepare he fields for coo pickig laer i he seaso.

8. 小满(Xiao Ma) ad Farmig Aciviies

Xiao Ma meas ha he crops are becomig full ad farmers sar o harves summer crops such as maize, rice ad beas. They also ake measures o proec he crops from rai damage ad sore hem for laer use.

9. 芒种(Mag Zhog) ad Farmig AciviiesMag Zhog is a busy ime for farmers as hey pla a variey of summer crops such as whea, cor, rice ad beas simulaeously. They work hard o culivae he fields ad provide ecessary care for he crops such as weedig, waerig ad ferilizig hem regularly. I addiio, hey also ake measures o corol pess ad diseases ha may affec he crops' growh.


