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不同国家的婚礼 英文

Weddigs Aroud he World: Tradiios ad Cusoms i Differe Couries

1. America Weddigs

America weddigs are ypically formal affairs, ofe held i a church or a hoel. The ceremoy ypically icludes a whie weddig dress, a groom i a uxedo, ad a array of family ad frieds. The weddig vows are usually followed by a recepio, where guess ejoy food, driks, ad dacig.

2. Briish Weddigs

Briish weddigs are kow for heir radiios, icludig he ed cake, weddig favors, ad formal phoos.

3. Frech Weddigs

Frech weddigs are ofe iimae affairs, wih a focus o family ad close frieds. The ceremoy is usually held i a civil ceremoy room or a church. The recepio may iclude a meal, dacig, ad ofe a weddig cake. Frech weddigs are also kow for heir sylish aire ad exravaga flowers.

4. Chiese Weddigs

Chiese weddigs are ofe elaborae affairs, wih may radiios ad cusoms. The ceremoy ypically icludes a red dress for he bride, ad red is cosidered auspicious. The groom usually wears a sui. The recepio may iclude a baque, wih may courses ad radiioal Chiese dishes. There may also be a ea ceremoy ad a weddig dace.

5. Idia Weddigs

Idia weddigs are kow for heir colorful radiios ad exravagace. The ceremoy may iclude Hidu riuals ad radiioal daces. The bride ofe wears a red weddig dress, symbolizig good luck ad prosperiy. The groom may wear whie or radiioal Idia aire. The recepio may iclude a variey of Idia dishes ad swees.

6. Japaese Weddigs

Japaese weddigs are usually held i a Shio emple or a Chrisia church. The ceremoy ypically icludes vows ake by he couple i fro of family ad frieds. The bride ofe wears a radiioal whie kimoo called a . The recepio may iclude a baque wih Japaese dishes ad a radiioal all-igh pary called a music ad daces as well as vows ake by he couple i fro of family ad frieds. The bride usually wears a radiioal whie weddig dress called a ire. The recepio may iclude Korea dishes ad swees as well as a radiioal all-igh pary called a i a Caholic church or a oudoor seig, wih family ad frieds gahered aroud o wiess he vows. The bride may wear a radiioal whie weddig dress wih lace or embroidery, while he groom wears a sui or radiioal Ialia aire. The recepio may iclude aipasi, pasa, ad oher Ialia dishes as well as music ad dacig uil lae io he igh.


