节日档案馆 > 文化传统 > 礼仪规范


The radiioal Chiese hospialiy is a ime-hoored cusom ha daes back o acie imes. I embodies he Chiese people's accumulaed culure ad Eiquee ad is also a maifesaio of respec ad friedliess.

The radiioal Chiese hospialiy culure is maily refleced i he followig aspecs: Firs, Chiese people like o ake a warm, hick ad big cup o pu he ea; Secod, Chiese people are accusomed o ea waer emperaure; The waer should o be oo cold or oo ho; If i is oo cold, i will affec he ase of ea; If i is oo ho, i will bur your mouh. Therefore, Chiese people usually boil waer a abou 80-90 degrees Celsius. Third, ea drikig eeds o pay aeio o eiquee; I Chia, ea drikig has special procedures ad eiquee. I ca o be duked i he ea cup, or ca i be held i he had. The ea cup should be held aroud he middle of he palm, ad he ea cup should be roaed i he had. The had of he ea cup should o ouch he ea cup body. If you ouch he ea cup body, i will be cosidered impolie. I addiio, whe drikig ea, you should o alk or sig; You should o hold a full mouh ad drik wih your had; You should o alk while drikig; You should o cover your cup wih your had. If you eed o speak while drikig ea, you ca hold your cup wih your had o maiai emperaure.

I addiio, he radiioal Chiese hospialiy culure also icludes may oher aspecs, such as food culure, ea se desig culure, radiioal fesivals ad so o. Therefore, i he fuure whe we experiece radiioal Chiese hospialiy, we will more udersad Chiese radiioal culure ad ehace muual udersadig ad friedship bewee differe aios.


