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1. Chrismas

I Chrismas, oe of he mos impora days is December 25h, he day of Jesus’ birh. This is a day of family gaherigs, gif-givig, ad feasig. However, here are some aboos i Chrismas. Firsly, i is cosidered ulucky o decorae he Chrismas ree wih red ribbos or red flowers. Secodly, i is bad luck o pu he sar o op of he ree before Chrismas Eve. Fially, i is cosidered disrespecful o ope he preses before Chrismas Eve.

2. Easer

Easer is a fesival of sprig, which falls o he firs Suday afer he firs full moo of he veral equiox. I is a ime for egg hus, family gaherigs, ad feasig. However, here are some aboos i Easer. Firsly, i is cosidered disrespecful o ea he Easer eggs before Easer Suday. Secodly, i is aboo o give a kife as a gif i Easer. Fially, i is cosidered disrespecful o wear black or whie clohes o Easer Suday.

3. Hallowee

Hallowee is a fesival of he dead, which falls o Ocober 31s. I is a ime for rick-or-reaig, cosume paries, ad carvig pumpkis io Jack-o-laers. However, here are some aboos i Hallowee. Firsly, i is cosidered ulucky o wear black or orage clohig o Hallowee. Secodly, i is aboo o break he mirror o Hallowee. Fially, i is cosidered disrespecful o sep o a graveyard o Hallowee igh.

4. Chiese ew Year

The Chiese ew Year falls o he firs day of he Chiese luar caledar. I is a ime for family reuios, gif-givig, ad feasig. However, here are some aboos i Chiese ew Year. Firsly, i is cosidered aboo o keep good higs a home o preve ay bad luck from eerig he house i he Chiese ew Year. Secodly, i is cosidered disrespecful o wear black or whie clohes durig Chiese ew Year. Fially, i is aboo o sweep he floor or clea he house i Chiese ew Year because his will release ay good luck ha has eered he house.

5. Ramada

Ramada is a moh of fasig ad reflecio i he Islamic caledar. Durig his moh, Muslims fas from daw uil suse o commemorae he firs revelaio of he Qura o Muhammad. However, here are some aboos i Ramada. Firsly, i is cosidered disrespecful o ea or drik i public durig Ramada. Secodly, i is aboo o fas wihou a valid reaso durig Ramada. Fially, i is cosidered disrespecful o badmouh ohers durig Ramada.

6. Vesak

Vesak is a fesival i Buddhism ha commemoraes he birh, eligheme, ad deah of Gauama Buddha. I falls o he full moo of he sixh luar moh i he radiioal Chiese caledar. However, here are some aboos i Vesak. Firsly, i is cosidered disrespecful o ea mea or fish o Vesak Day. Secodly, i is aboo o wear red clohig o Vesak Day because his color is associaed wih mourig ad deah i Buddhism Fially, i is cosidered disrespecful o ligh fireworks or firecrackers o Vesak Day because his ca be oisy ad disrupive durig a ime of peace ad raquiliy i Buddhism .

7. Yom Kippur 12-iem Yom Kippur (Day of Aoeme) is he holies day of he year i Judaism. I falls o he eh day of Tishrei i he Hebrew caledar (usually i Sepember or Ocober). Jews fas ad pray o aoe for heir sis durig his day of repeace ad reflecio Yom Kippur follows a 25-hour fas ha begis a suse wih Kol idre (he “all vows” service) ad eds a ighfall wih he soudig of shofar (ram’s hor) Yom Kippur禁忌 icludes o wearig leaher shoes because hey are associaed wih deah ad mourig ad o bahig or cleaig because his is a day of repeace ad fasig Yom Kippur also prohibis aoiig oeself wih perfumes or loios as well as wearig hem i public


